
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Kingship in Macbeth

Throughout the race we see many of Shakespe ars ideas on the topic and theme of poofship but withal what he conceit the qualities a man should have to rule his country Macbeth is a play most power and about how the char representers in the play handle it and use it. These characters are judged as leaders by their personalities, relationships with their subjects and their attitude towards the country.The characters Dun elicit, Macbeth, Malcolm and Edward all(prenominal) represent their have got brand of kingship and as the play progresses we see the faults in each of these. The low to represent kingship in the play is Duncan. He is passionatenessd by his subjects and this love is well deserved and Duncan may be considered the most generous and love king but that does not mean he is infallible. He is a better king has two sons and cares for Scotland. He is described as a sainted king by Macduff in Act 4 sentiment 3.Duncan places a lot of trust upon his soldiers and they are very loyal as we see in the bleeding captain fighting against mercenaries and Macbeth says himself his loyalty and run to Duncan is sufficient for his reward and also says he hath honoured him of late and the essence of Duncans good nature creates doubts in Macbeth with regards to the murder and Lady Macbeth has also experienced this kindness, a large diamond received for been a good hostess. We see Duncan is decisive when it comes to the matter of traitors as the thane of Cawdor is executed swiftly following his deception from Duncans ranks.We also see a definite flaw in his nature as he is naive and overly trusting, this is evident when he says there is no art to find the minds construction in the face and his ability to adept the deception and treason of the thane of Cawdor and Macbeth extracts a lot about his short comings in dealing with certain aspects of his rule which at the time the play was determined it was a very important ability to have as a king and his misplac ed trust is seen in his haste to reward Macbeth with his sweet title of Cawdor.In act 4 scene 3 Malcolm lists of the traits of a good king including justice, verity, temperance, horse barnness, bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness, devotion, patience, courage and fortitude and Macduff in response says a king without any of the following does not deserve to live. Also in this scene we see Malcolm testing MacDuffs loyalty saying he is worse than Macbeth, even though its not very ensuring that his believable lying and a quickness to flee following his starts murder shows fear but it does show he is learning from the mistakes of his father which is a subtlety in the play as to what kind of king he would be.On a more than evident note we do see he does know the characteristics of a king and already has loyalty from his subjects which shows a much more stable rule but is questionable if his accession to the throne was smooth and he will remain reliant on his nobles as I father once was. The main issue of the play regarding kingship regards the rule of Macbeth which gives a scenario of the latent potential for offensive in kingship. It is clear Macbeths only interest is in his own agenda and plans which seriously contrasts with the list read out by Malcolm in the scene previously mentioned.Macbeths unstable rule is only hold by resorting only to murder and terror against his subject and Macbeths use of these tools is mainly caused by hi deep rooted insecurity. This shows kingship has the potential for good and for evil . In the time of Shakespeare the King was believed to be an agent of god and God himself spoke through the king and as Macbeth is not rightfully king his control disturbs the natural order of nature and the earth becomes feverous covering the connection between kingship, nature, and all things balanced is to Shakespeare and the majority of his people at the time believed was real.The killing of Duncan to obtain the crown was also described a s unsanctified due to Duncan being instil lead with divine right which raises the issue that Macbeths curse is not only unjustly but un sanctified and a offensive against God himself. Macbeth being aware of this prior to the murder he utter he would jump the life to come meaning he is damned.These thought of eternal damnation weighs heavily in Macbeths corrupted mind and is a catalyst for his declining unpopularity as the king and is described as a tyrant, hell-kite, usurper, fuckup and as devilish which also agrees with the sacred side of his kingship. Coming up to the end of Macbeths reign we see he has alienated and abandoned his wife, request the killing of innocent women and children and his best friend and has lost the loyalty of all his Thanes and now completely relies on occult prophesies which were completely still led to the demise of the once ambitious soldier, Macbeth.Addressing the character of Edward even though he doesnt show up on stage at all he is established as Macbeths opposite and contrasting sharply in regards to the religious aspect of the play, the doctor says people are healed by his sanctified touch , solicits heaven and is full of grace. The lord in act 3 scene 6 says he is both pious and holy his white magic runs in opposition to the witches black magic. Edward believes the heart of Scotland can be cured by pray but sends 10000 men to dish out Malcolm and MacDuff showing diplomacy and strategy.Shakespeare contrasts the various modes of kingship in the play, a combination of semipolitical manoeuvring, religious and spiritual believe and the kingly graces as defined and apprehended by loyal subjects and the optimistic conclusion that those not in bullheadedness of their worth will not be accepted as kings and throughout the play we see the that the countries suffering or prosperity is a position reflection of the moral of its king.

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