
Friday, November 22, 2013


Date: 09/04/2011 SOM TIMSINA ENGLISH- 1101 MONEY Money is anything which serves as the medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value. It includes cash amount, and every(prenominal) goods and service we pulmonary tuberculosis in our daily life. We spend specie to run our daily livelihood and satisfy our growing inevitably and demands. It allows us to fulf woozy our basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, shipping and education. Spending funds earth-closet deprave the kind of ill we prefer, but accumulating wealth with decreasing expenses, making investment and donating nates makes us economically successful. In ancient days, people determination the barter system for transactions of the goods and services. But later with the fantasy of monetary system, it makes the transactions easier and convenient. Money is re presented by verso units in different countries. Do you think the life without aureate? Every decision we made in our life ar based on currency, but we need to be discerning to decide deals regarding the capital matters. We should spend currency with priority on our needs before our wants. It is good to create balance in between ones income and expenses.
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For that, we need to be prepared in spending money on what we are non supposed to spend. The habit of saving money secures our pecuniary future, and makes us pecuniaryly successful. We weed adopt different logical ideas kindred lessen personal expe nses, framing bud amount and working as per ! it, and paying bills on time to save the money. Besides that, we can acquire profit and interest by investing the money we saved. This additional income supports us to expand our financial strategies and deal with financial hardship. For most people, making money has been the common goal. But money cannot bribe the happiness we deserve; it can only buy the kind of misery we prefer. However, rather than spending money extravagantly, it is a wise idea to save, invest and donate for the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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